Gradin Studio Visual Identity & Logo Guidelines.
Every journey starts with a guideline
This Graphic Standard Manual is about more than just the logo. It’s about a visual system made up of many parts that work together to elicit a feeling, and convey what Gradin Studio is all about.
We are professional, creative, forward-thinking, modern and technology based.
These guidelines are designed to help anyone working with the Gradin Studio brand in a visual context. They allow everyone to work with confidence and consistency in a variety of formats, areas and circumstances. If you have any questions about our brand principles, please contact us.
Gradin is Your One Stop Creative Solutions.
We are a digital agency based in Surabaya who believes creativity and technology are now inseparable. With our expertise in visual branding combined with extensive knowledge about the web, we would like to help you navigate this digital age to grow to your true potential.
We began our journey in 2010, and then established ourselves with the name GRADIN in 2014. We’ve worked with clients from various fields such as industry, food, fashion, etc. Our diversity in clients’ backgrounds and services give us fresh perspective when faced with new challenges.
We value our relationship with you – our clients. Your growth as a brand reflects our team’s growth, and vice versa. We believe your growth and ours are inseparable.
Corporate Color
Apart from logo consistency, a brand can also be recognized through color consistency. Brand characteristics can be described from the color selection.
Here’s a list of the colors used by Gradin Studio.
Robin’s Blue Egg
Evening Sea
Natural Black
*Name of the colors are taken from the website
Primary Color
At first we chose green color as the main color of our brand. But we want to have a “different” green color identity, so we chose teal and jade color.
Through these colors, we want to show the professional side and maturity of the company. We chose to be a company that emphasizes value rather than just wanting to steal the attention, so we choose bold colors.
Also combined with a lighter color as a symbol of the creativity of our team.
HEX : #00837E
RGB : 00 131 126
CMYK : 97 26 55 07
HEX : #00AD68
RGB : 00 173 104
CMYK : 100 00 83 00
Secondary Color
In application, primary colors need support from secondary colors to create variety and harmony in a brand.
The secondary colors we chose don’t contrast with the primary colors. We do this so that the values in the primary colors are not lost / replaced. We have established four three colors: Robin’s Egg Blue, Evening Sea & Natural Black.
If under certain conditions it is necessary to use another color outside t he specified color, please pay attention to harmony with the primary color.
HEX : #00BCB4
RGB : 00 188 180
CMYK : 88 00 40 00
HEX : #00534C
RGB : 00 83 76
CMYK : 93 14 53 57
HEX : #232222
RGB : 35 34 34
CMYK : 71 66 65 72
Gradient Color
In Gradin guidelines, solid colors are still prioritized, but sometimes the design needs to use gradient colors to give it a sense of depth. It can still be done in accordance with existing provisions. Gradin have a predefined use of gradient colors.
Jl. Taman Internasional B8 no. 33A, Citraland
Surabaya, Indonesia
031-745 1133
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