Gradin Studio Visual Identity & Logo Guidelines.


Every journey starts with a guideline

This Graphic Standard Manual is about more than just the logo. It’s about a visual system made up of many parts that work together to elicit a feeling, and convey what Gradin Studio is all about.

We are professional, creative, forward-thinking, modern and technology based.

These guidelines are designed to help anyone working with the Gradin Studio brand in a visual context. They allow everyone to work with confidence and consistency in a variety of formats, areas and circumstances. If you have any questions about our brand principles, please contact us.


Gradin is Your One Stop Creative Solutions.

GSM – Corporate Icon

We are a digital agency based in Surabaya who believes creativity and technology are now inseparable. With our expertise in visual branding combined with extensive knowledge about the web, we would like to help you navigate this digital age to grow to your true potential.

We began our journey in 2010, and then established ourselves with the name GRADIN in 2014. We’ve worked with clients from various fields such as industry, food, fashion, etc. Our diversity in clients’ backgrounds and services give us fresh perspective when faced with new challenges.

We value our relationship with you – our clients. Your growth as a brand reflects our team’s growth, and vice versa. We believe your growth and ours are inseparable.

Corporate Icon


Our icon assets are designed with precision.

Icons are the visual expression of our products, services or tools. Simple, light, and each corner of the icon is rounded, they communicate the core idea or component of the brand. While each icon is visually distinct, all icons should have consistent line weights and visual style.

Line weights can be manipulated, but take special care to keep lines light enough that they match other elements on the page.

GSM – Corporate Icon

Corporate Graphic

Flat illustration is our favorite. Illustration is used to explain or decorate an article or information. It is hoped that with this visual assistance, the writing will be easier to digest. Illustration with solid colors, minimalist shapes, modern and creative, they communicate the core idea or component of the brand.

GSM – Corporate Icon
GSM – Corporate Icon
GSM – Corporate Icon
GSM – Corporate Icon

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